
3 EASY STEPS that can HELP you achieve your FINANCIAL GOALS

Talking about finances can be daunting – especially if you are new to the business. When you start out, how are probably thinking about short-term sales, rather than long-term objectives of the business.  

However, understanding how to create and achieve your financial goals can be a crucial step towards financial freedom and sustainability for your business.  


Here are three easy steps that can help you stay on track: 


1.) Set Clear and Specific Goals  

Setting clear and specific goals is an essential step in the process of achieving your financial objectives. When your goals are clear and specific, you have a much better chance of staying motivated, making effective plans, and tracking your progress.  

By setting clear and specific financial goals, you provide yourself with a roadmap to success.  

You’ll have a better understanding of what needs to be done, how to measure your progress, and when you’ve achieved your objectives. Remember to review and adjust your goals periodically as your financial situation or priorities change. 


2.) Understanding your Budget (Be Realistic) 

Whether you are saving or budgeting or putting what you need to put aside, knowing what’s going to work for you is really important. In business – the same rules apply! 

When developing sales and expense forecasts for your business, be realistic. Take a moment to consider your pricing model and current client base. Getting this right to start with, will ensure your budget has strong foundations from which to grow. By being realistic with your forecasted expenses and revenue, you set yourself up for financial stability and avoid the pitfalls of overspending or underestimating your expenses.  

Regularly review and adjust your budget – and pricing – as needed to ensure it remains aligned with your financial goals and circumstances. 


3.) Schedule regular reviews of your goals 

To ensure you stay on track, be sure to schedule regular reviews of your goals. How often you do a review will depend on the size and complexity of your financial goals.  

a.) Small Goals: For short-term goals (a few weeks to a few months), schedule weekly or monthly reviews. This allows for regular progress assessment and adjustments if needed. 

 b.) Medium Goals: Goals spanning a few months to a couple of years should be reviewed every three to six months. This timeframe provides a more comprehensive evaluation and allows for course correction and be sure to review your pricing and revenue models in an annual review.   

c.) Long-term Goals: Long-term goals are about where you want your business to be in three to five years and will often be about more than just your budget. When creating long-term financial goals for the business, consider your broader business strategy including your product/services offerings, your client base, and your brand positioning. Annual reviews will then focus on assessing progress, reviewing strategies, and ensuring alignment with your market 


Remember regardless of the size and complexity of your goals… 


  • Flexibility is crucial to be able to respond to changes in the market.  
  • Be consistent and keep accountable by scheduling regular reviews to maintain focus and motivation. 
  • Be disciplined and patient. It may take time to achieve your financial goals, but with persistence and a clear plan, you’ll be on your way to creating the future you’ve dreamed of. 

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