How well do you know your clients? – Elephant in the Room Consulting

How well do you know your clients?

I have been speaking with a number of businesses lately who are looking at ways to pivot online or who are taking this time to review what they do, improve their operations or systems. Additionally, the change in the market mean many businesses are recognising blockages preventing growth.

One of the biggest blocks in business is not knowing who you are selling to. 

Sure, you have a great product; it might be the best in the market; but if you do not know what market that is – you’re going to be in trouble!

Whether you are a seasoned business operator or in the early stages of your business, taking the time to consider WHO you are selling to and WHY they would want your product or service is critical to your business success.


So, let’s start with you who you are and what you are selling…

What are you/your business known for or want to be known for?

Consider all the things you do and/or sell, What do people come to you for? What are you known for?

Sometimes, the product that you really want to sell, may not be the product, service, or value that people know you for.

Consider Apple. They used to be about selling computers; then they became known for the iPod and now the iPhone. What they are known for is innovation. Each time a product is released the focus is on what’s new.

The iPhone is now what comes to mind when people think Apple, and through this product, people convert to iMacs. To consider this in a different way, how many advertisements do you see for Mac vs iPhone?

What problem do you solve or will you solve for your customer?

How can you help them? What is it you believe your product or service will do for your customer?

What does your product offer that no-one else does? Consider what sets you apart from other brands and products that may do something similar or the same.  

This can be tangible outcomes or, more likely, intangible – status, 

It is important to be clear on what your product or service does; the VALUE it brings and HOW IT HELPS the customer.  What 

How do you know they have this problem?

What do they say, do, feel that suggests it is a problem?  How do you know they want to solve it?


Take grocery shopping… I don’t love grocery shopping, I may complain about having to go to the shops every other day; but is it a problem that I need to be solved? 

Maybe?  But until the pain is highlighted, I am unlikely to act to change it…

Do they know they have a problem?

Once you believe your customer has a problem that needs to be solved,  do they know?

Remember, what you perceive to be a problem to be solved for your clients may not be to them.

Your job is to demonstrate So why is it a problem? How do you (or can you) highlight or draw attention to the pain it is causing? The goal here is to connect their problem with your solution…

Now you know the problem do you know who you are selling to or wish to sell?

Who is your client? Your market?

Remember, it isn’t ‘everyone’! Sure ‘everyone’ might have a problem, but as the axiom goes..

if you are marketing to everyone, you are marketing to no one.

Think WHO they are, where they live, their income, where do they hang out. Knowing this will allow you to understand where to find them and HOW to market to them.


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