Do you like writing copy?

This past week has all been about creating compelling content. A favourite topic of mine!

Words and language are something I have always had a thing for. Words can build engagement, inspire action, and create emotion. Well constructed and thoughtful content has the power to move mountains, shape dreams, and create connections.

Ok, so for most people reading this you are probably wondering…”was it wine o’clock when she wrote this?”, but seriously, as the world becomes more and more connected online, words matter.

There are five rules or principles I apply when writing content for clients and myself, whether online or off:

  • Remember your content is about them not you! It’s not about how great you are it is about why they need you.
  • Where is your customer on their buying journey? Speak to them where they are – not where you are.
  • Consider your customer’s journey. How do you want your customer to respond to your copy? How do you want them to feel, think, and do?
  • What do they need? Talk benefits, not features – what do you offer, not what you sell!
  • Where do you want to take them? What is the next step in the journey…what’s the call to action

These principles will help your copy and content to connect with your audience or potential clients, adds value and delivers an experience – supported by imagery and the action you want them to take.

If this copy has sparked something in you, and you are looking for clarity on how to write compelling copy, book a complimentary chat to learn more about The Copy Collective my new Group Coaching program for people wanting help to write their content for web, landing pages, social media and EDMs.

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