We are all busy… Or so we say.
We are all busy… Or so we say. But what do we really do with our time? Time is the one equaliser. We all have the …
We are all busy… Or so we say. But what do we really do with our time? Time is the one equaliser. We all have the …
This question has been asked a thousand times by everyone from parents and students, to organisations and academic scholars across every culture, time and place.
When did we stop thinking we had control of our life? Take a moment to consider… What things in your life do you control? What …
Empathy commonly defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It is generally linked to the idea of ‘feeling with’ another person or being able to put yourself in their place and feeling those feelings.
What if you don’t have it?
I coach people from all walks of life and industry and most come to me as they are feeling overwhelmed with managing the business, family and their life; they are wanting to find ways to engage with their clients more, or they are looking to build a business from their passion and while they are great technicians and their side hustle is bringing them a good income, they are unsure about ‘business’.
Why do you own your business or company? What are you working for?
Early on in my business, I attend a Mastermind with Lisa Nichols… My business was only three months old, so I wasn’t doing the mastermind. I was given the opportunity to attend by a client, who was organising the event for Lisa. What a gift!!
Those who know me in person, know, I am not quiet yet, on platforms like this, I am and got me thinking why?
The question most asked in the sessions I attend is how do I get more clients/revenue/profit – quickly!? For someone like me who loves working with businesses, I have a love-hate relationship with this question…
As the structure, context of an organisation changes so does the type of leadership that is needed – so the theory goes. So how do we teach what is the right leadership?
When we think of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (and yes, I think of her often), her sparkly red shoes come to mind. These …
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